Nodo 3 Experience
What is Nodo 3?
It is an 3 hours experience that involves three parts:
Connect with yourself, wind down and put the body in motion: stretch, loosen up, warm up. Find yourself.
Challenge yourself! Learn something new, discover different movements, improve your technique, practice the other’s role. Embrace.
Practice what you have learnt. Enjoy, improvise, have fun, meet new people, share. Dance.
How does it work?
The NODO experience consists of three different but consecutive moments:
1 A YOGA class, designed for the different levels of experience, whose objective is to prepare the body, the mind and the emotions for what comes afterwards. An individual working time as the ground work for the encounter with others. A space to connect and find yourself.
2 A TANGO LESSON, guided by two or more teachers, so that different levels may be taken care of, if necessary. The team of teachers is different each time, so that you are shown different views and paths, and so that NODO becomes an increasingly rich and expansive experience thanks to this contribution. This moment is a chance to deepen contact, communication, connection and perception, whatever your dance level.
3 Some time of PRACTICE so you can play a little bit with what you have worked on during class. Some time of improvisation and joy, so you can go back to the body at your own rhythm; share and multiply experiences. JUST DANCE.
When and where?
Date and place to be defined
Shall I write to you and let you know the next available dates?
How did it happen?
NODO arose as a desire and a need…
On the one hand, the desire to share two arts that make me feel great, challenge me to work towards my best version, and give me wonderful moments of connection and encounter. Nodo emerged as a specific way to combine two of my professions, creating a unique and different proposal that allows you to experience them, enjoy them, learn from them and find in your own experience what connects and powers them.
On the other hand, a need that I have registered for years in my classes, which is to devote a little more time, more space and more attention to ourselves, so that what we want to experience in our body makes sense also in our mind, and viceversa. A space purely designed to let you feel more, allowing us to go through, exchange and re-signify experiences.
Who is it for?
This experience is intended for both, those who already dance and want to learn Yoga, and for “yogis” who want to learn to dance tango. And also for those interested in learning both.
No prior experience or couple attendance is required.
Our team
Analía Vega
Cecilia García
Gustavo Rember
Marcelo Varela
Moira Castellano
Serkan Gokcesu
“I really liked the concept of the experience itself. It is great that we could join in regardless of whether we had previous experience in the different disciplines or not. I also liked ending up with a kind of improvised milonga…”
“Nodo 3 reminds you how important it is to breathe. It makes you become aware of your own body, your lungs, your joints and your own weight. These are key elements for better movement. The professionalism and love you receive in this seminar make your Tango more organic and enjoyable. Thank you, Thank you for this warm, loving and fun encounter!”
“At the end of the day, you go home having gone through an experience and not just a class. All the work focused on movement, in understanding it and staying away from the automatic mode, releases the body to make it more expressive. I take with me the happiness of my personal experience and also the profound and sensitive work of those who gave the lessons.”
“Switching from a Yoga class to a Tango class changes a lot the body perception! It enabled me to relax and have a different awareness of my body while dancing Tango”.
“Nodo3, more than a seminar, is a sensitive experience. It brings bodily awareness, exploration of its mechanics in a playful way in order to free it and make it more expressive. I believe that the encounter allowed, in a careful way, to deepen the search for those of us who were already opening up to new possibilities and those who had other ways of thinking about movement in tango.”
“I think NODO is an integral experience to connect with my body and to be able to use it to its full when dancing Tango. It requires a lot of presence to improvise with the other, and this experience takes you straight to that place to facilitate communication, creativity and play. I loved it!”
More about the experience
The idea is that you live these 3 hours as a single experience. Although it is divided into 3 different moments, it has the same beginning and end for everybody. The last entrance to the room will be up to 5 minutes after the start time, allowing us to have enough time to settle in and so that there are no distractions during its development.
NOTE: You will not be allowed to enter the room once the first class has started.
In between classes and prior to the beginning of the practice, there will be some time for you to change if you need to, and to accommodate the room. Dance time is thought of as a space for practice, relaxed and free, to share, to dance and to practice what you are learning. We recommend wearing comfortable clothes. The first class is done barefooted. For tango classes you can bring shoes, snickers that slide or practice shoes.
NODO is my way to share a more conscious, healthy and active way of occupying ourselves, of growing, of enjoying ourselves and learning with others. It is about the honest contact of an embrace, and the collective intention of playing and discovering ourselves in movement.
NODO is a space with a different approach to learning, which understands that nothing can go through an aspect of our being without touching the others, that we move through space just as we move in our minds. And that everything we learn about our bodily movement we take with us as a powerful tool for everyday life.
NODO is an experience! come and live it!